We can manage the risk of infection by following good health advice and by exerting a little extra patience, care and discipline.

We will follow the latest advice from BSAC and the Queensland government as appropriate to minimise the risk of infection. Part of the Diving Officer's role will be to monitor current guidelines and recommendations in the lead up to a dive and seek to implement these on each day of diving.


Seven golden rules

  1. If you’re unwell, even if you have mild symptoms, a close contact of someone who has COVID-19, or if you have tested positive please only come to club events when you have completed your isolation / quarantine / testing as per the latest government guidelines.  
  2. Take responsibility: Decide for yourself whether to participate based on the current COVID situation in the community, your personal risk factors and the risk to those people close to you. Decide with your buddy what personal protective equipment you want to use.
  3. Follow the directions of the DM on the day and support their efforts. These will relate to the particular vessel or place and exercises being conducted.
  4. Wherever practical follow current distancing recommendations. This includes DM briefings, team briefings and buddy-checks.
  5. Follow normal good-hygiene practices - avoid touching your face; cough and sneeze into elbow or use tissues and dispose of them safely; and wash your hands frequenty.
  6. Follow normal BSAC safe-diving practices: Keep your primary regulator for yourself and have a dedicated AS for your buddy. Keep your mask on and DV in your mouth when close to other divers, esp. before entering and after exiting the water.
  7. We strongly encourage members to utilise official check-in and tracing apps provided by health authorities.


Seven practical habits

These seven practical habits will go a long way to addressing the risk of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases without being too intrusive.

  1. Assemble a compact personal COVID kit to keep on/close to you when out of the water. It should contain items such as a small bottle of hand sanitiser, mask defog, a packet of antiseptic wipes, tissues and any face masks and other personal protective equipment that you will use. On a wet boat it should be in a dry bag.
  2. Incorporate hand-sanitising into your diving routine: e.g. before assembling your kit, after assisting others with kitting up; after loading equipment; after dekitting.
  3. No-touch items: As a buddy or assistant, never touch other divers' cylinder valves, masks, or their regulator, snorkel and BC mouthpieces.
  4. Careful stowage: Stow your mask and snorkel out of the way e.g. in a fin pocket. Clip up and/or tuck in regulators so they don't need to be handled or touched by others and won't be contaminated. This will also prevent damage.
  5. Plan to be self sufficient: BYO food, drink bottles, utensils, and don't share! BYO basic tools and spare parts. Equipment should not be shared back and forth.
  6. Practise good dive-hygiene: Do not spit in your mask unless well clear of others. Always wash your face, blow your nose and rinse your mask very carefully in order to avoid possible contamination of others with fluids or droplets.
  7. Speak up if you see a situation or behaviour you consider unsafe but please do so appropriately - we are all learning and can make mistakes. If you get 'prodded' please don't take offence. Changing behaviour will take time, practice and good will.


Returning to diving after COVID-19

If you contract COVID-19 your first priority is to get well! Make sure you're fully recovered: that means you're symptom-free and back to your normal exercise capacity.

Estimate your personal risk profile using the UKDMC guidance and scoring system. There is a Medical Guidance document attached to this page and a link to the BSAC COVID-19 resources page. Wait for the recommended period. Consult your medical referee if necessary after you have recovered.

Even mild cases of COVID-19 can adversely affect your respiratory system. Rushing back to diving or avoiding proper diagnosis and testing may put you and your buddies at risk. As with returning to diving after any illness, it's always prudent to start in familiar and safe environments that are well within your capabilities and build up to more challenging dives.

Medical clearance to dive

Depending on the severity of your illness and personal risk profile you will not necessarily need a dive medical after having COVID-19. The UKDMC scoring system provides guidance on whether you need to consult a medical referee and how long you should stay out of the water.

At the date of this article none of the Queensland commercial dive operators that we've spoken to require you to provide a written medical clearance after COVID-19.  Queensland government regulations only require you to be symptom-free, up to date with vaccines, not required to be isolating; and compliant with all/other government heath directives. Again, the situation is fluid and subject to change as regulations catch up with events.


Cleaning club equipment


  • Cleaning = Washing in detergent solution. Always do this prior to return of club equipment.
  • Disinfecting = Use of chemicals to kill pathogens. Do not do this unless authorised or supervised.

Club equipment should be thoroughly cleaned by the hirer using detergent, water and careful scrubbing, prior to return. Detergent is effective against the SARS-Cov-2 virus as well as cold and flu viruses.

Kit needs to be scrubbed to remove contaminated substances - this "mechanical action" is a vital part of proper cleaning. Use a soft brush such as a toothbrush to scrub the outside of mouthpieces of your DVs, snorkel and BC oral inflator, as well as the nose pockets and inside of masks. Clean inside mouthpieces but don't insert your fingers or tools into the body of the second stage regulator.  Click here for more information on how to clean your equipment after a dive.

Do not attempt to disinfect club equipment unless you are authorised to do so or under supervision of an authorised person. This is because disinfection must be done correctly to be effective and not to endanger divers or damage diving equipment. The Equipment Officer will disinfect club equipment as required before issuing it. After you receive club equipment do not share it with other divers. If you have infection concerns about club equipment please seek advice and assistance from the Equipment Officer or Diving Officer.

You should confirm that hired kit from the club or a commercial operator has been disinfected prior to you using it.

Contamination of equipment during use (e.g. someone else using it) must be addressed before continuing to use the kit.


Car-pooling / ride-sharing

Vehicles are confined, closed spaces. Consider the latest health advice when deciding whether to car-pool.



We will follow the latest BSAC guidelines and procedures for training. Current information at March 2020 is here: Training information regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).


Concerns or Questions?

If you have concerns or questions while participating in a club event or dive then speak to the DM or Event Manager.

If you have general concerns or questions or if you have been on a club dive or event and have issues arising from that, then contact the Diving Officer.


Useful Links


(Please report dead or out of date links.)

COVID-19 Safe Diving Guidance

UKDMC COVID Frequently asked questions

UKDMC Medical Referee List


Files available for download